The Shifting Horizons 180 project was a re-engagement Forest School and mentoring programme which was funded by the Learning Partnership and delivered via Mounts Bay Academy and Cape Cornwall School.
This consisted of a 6 week Forest and Beach School intervention and mentoring programme working with Year 11 students who were heading towards their GCSEs but had become disengaged from school for various reasons.
Following their 6 weeks of experiential and reflective learning, the facilitators then provided 5 sessions of small group, in-school and out-of-school mentoring which focused on targets and issues which had become clear, to both student and facilitator, during the previous outdoor learning sessions as well as indicators from the SIMS system and referrals by their Director of Progress
The project was measured by hard outcomes :
1. Less “behaviour points” accrued on the SIMS system
2. Progression onto further education or apprenticeship
3. Improved attendance and or timekeeping
4. Attainment / Grade improvements in specific subjects
And a range of soft outcomes [tailored to each student’s need]